CHILDREN'S ART PROJECT AND DIGITAL EXHIBITION A social and well being project for children aged 5-14 years living in Winton, Longreach, Barcoo, Tambo, Blackall, Barcaldine, Diamantina
Contact name: KAREN STEPHENS
Contact phone number: 07 4657 2625
Contact email address:
OUR PROJECT IS SEEKING 2 DRAWINGS/PAINTINGS (A4 SIZE) FOLLOWING THE THEMES: What you love about living in the bush? What would you love to see or change in your region? (Remember to put your first name and age on the artwork. Submissions will be displayed in an online gallery as part of the John Villiers Outback Art Prize in March 2024.) The Children’s Art Project and Digital Exhibition hosted by the Outback Regional Gallery, Winton and supported by The John Villiers Trust is an ongoing project to create transformational and deep multifaceted impact for youth and young people living in outback Queensland. This project aims to foster pride and vibrant and strong communities by active engagement and connecting regional community, arts, culture, education social welfare and health. The digital gallery of the children’s artworks will be visible between March – May 2024 aligning with the 2024 John Villiers Outback Art Prize generously sponsored by The John Villiers Trust and supported by Winton Shire Council and Ros Kavanagh Elders Insurance Central Queensland.